Emily Dowman-Latham
5 min readMay 4, 2020

“The ultimate question” — “how to make more money!”

“So what do you do?”

Whether you’re asking a potential candidate on hinge or you’re keen to find out more about a friend of a friend who has the cutest pair of heels that you’d like to borrow and is now on your list to being your new best friend.

So how do you make money and do you make enough of it?

I mean, when you’re in the creative industry in particular, especially in this day and age.. You probably try your hand at everything?

“Oh you know, everything actually!”

Your finger is in every sort of pie going but do you have a THING?

My work right now are projects here and there and all being different projects for different things..

Creating content in the form of writing, photographer, videography.. I even have projects in which I model but primarily my work in social media managing.

It’s exhausting and this is the perfect time to really shape your career going forward.

Firstly finding your ‘it’ thing is the most crucial part of a successful career.

The 60–70% of your career needs to be on one dedicated pathway for your proven commitment, dedication, progression etc.

Having that one thing to push you in one direction will create more of a security for enjoying life in your free time!

But whilst we are in a pandemic of more free time than not, I have some side hustles to fill in the gaps.

Whether that’s studying or making money.

It’s time to cross Disney+ out of your tabs. Let’s do this!

Now, you see these article and ads everywhere you look

Your phone even listens to what you say/want through audio cookies!

But side hustles, and not just surveys are a thing now.


Realistically side hustles aren’t ground-breaking money makers, let’s be honest.

Especially with surveys that apparently (as I have yet to make any money with them) are meant to offer as little as 10p for each survey — if you’re lucky.

That’s not to mention the surveys that actually ask you to use your own money to make money. *Sigh*

But don’t leave yet.

If you own any of the following ways of making money, there’s no doubt in what hard work leads too.. success!

Firstly, do you have anything to offer? At all?

C’mon, think outside of the box.

How can you make money from 2–3 skills that you have right now?

I’ll list two of my skills to provide you with an example.

So I’m quite good at editing videos and I own software.

So what can I do?

I could look for influencers and youtubers. So creating an approach email offering them casual, non-committedediting of their content for them!


Perhaps I approach some brands on Instagram.

Small but active brands (who have budget) and may require some new content. For their social media channels.

(obviously ensure you understand their aesthetic)

Better yet, create a page on fiverr.com where you can offer your computer skills!

From engagement skills (engaging — sort of like a customer service situation to their followers maybe — obviously for bigger brands/influencers with money of course) to offering maybe design skills for their website!)

Upwork.com and Talentmanager.com have a great job board for freelance skilled jobs!

Another example?

I’m alright at writing I’d say! After graduating with an English degree and just finishing up on a copy writing course to improve my skills I could easily approach some brands and look for virtual jobs who need copy for their websites or socials. Copy is everywhere and if you can write a good instagram caption that’s engaging, or easily influence the other half through simple words and suggestions, chances are you’d be pretty dam good at copy writing!

I mean, do you like writing poems and stories even?

Then you can sell them to amazon!

Further more VIPkid.com is a virtual online teaching website so if you have a degree and would like to try it out, join me because I’m making my way straight after I write this article!

Alright, …

Skills, skills, I get it.

Let me give you an example that isn’t so skilled and specific and not surveys!

Do you have some items at home you could sell?

Yes, really.

You could be sitting on a typical ‘one mans trash is another mans treasure’ situation! Yes, ebay is still a thing, and so is facebook marketplace!

Still haven’t worn that dress?

Depop! I’ve made £100 a day on a bag of clothes that I didn’t want anymore and it’s a great way to declutter too.

If you’re quite good at drawing perhaps you could sell or create some pieces on Etsy instead! Both very good money makers.

Some worthy side hustles, although only through research I have found:

Amazon MTurk — Tasks only for ‘human intelligence’.. so stick it, robots!

You might be asked to submit data to more and more surveys.

At a modest start rate of probably £6 an hour, apparently “you’ll get use to the system and that can get to around £15 an hour”

Give it a go! What have you got to lose?

Drop shipping.. something I’ve only recently paid attention too.

Basically you buy from a source and then sell it on for cheaper, from their address to your customer. You just have to organize the delivery (and take full responsibility of course)

Now, I don’t know how effective this can be but if you find your niche and know how to sell it and make a profit from it, this is a

great side hustle!

If you can create? Create. If you have something to offer? Offer it.

For none specific jobs, there are also email responses jobs, virtual customer service jobs, dog walking (for those in isolation etc) and courses that you can take to gain new skills if you feel like most, and that is deflated by the pandemic to say the least.

Now is your time to take full advantage of free courses.

Some include:


- A new platform that supplies free courses from sites such as Google!


Also provide a lot of certicated courses, some are paid, some are free but it’s worth noting, if you really care for the subject, the money is worth it to have a certicate!

Also see:





You can get free trials of all of these so if money is an issue for you, you can download a lot of the resources and make use of the free trial as well as lots of their free content!

My favourite is udemy.com

Their courses are really indepth with tasks, activities and although they are around £200, they have fortnightly reductions to around £15 for a whole course!

It’s also nice to buy courses from freelanced professionals too

Support the circle, right?

So the money is out there, and by no means am I trying to offer secrets to stashes of cash but grab a pen and paper and ask yourself, what can I learn?

What can I offer? Could I brush up on some skills?

When there’s a will.. like making money, then there is most certainly a way and right now is the perfect time for this way.. to be your er.. way!

Emily Dowman-Latham
Emily Dowman-Latham

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