Overthinking too?

Emily Dowman-Latham
2 min readMay 4, 2020

So you’re here because you probably over-think a lot.

Heck, you’re probably over thinking that you’re over thinking! ..I know you like the back of my hand ..endlessly deliberating when making a decision (then questioning said decision), moreover, attempting to read minds (lol) trying to predict the future (also lol) and reading into the smallest of details; Now you know everything about me.. I’m Emily, pleased to meet you.

Those who overthink consistently run a constant commentary of criticising and picking apart what they said and did yesterday or what they are about to say imagining the very worst.

As a result? Lack of sleep, constant worry, feeling overwhelmed etc etc. AKA. waste of time.

Well I’m the absolute worst for it.

I’m rubbish at making decisions because I over think the outcome and I’m definitely in the same boat as everyone, so why does it seem that everyone around me is doing brilliantly but me?

Probably over thinking, ha!

Now, I’m not suggesting that when you read an article like this, you can click away and change instantly and then we live happily ever after.

However I will state that practicing tuning in with yourself can really help you to give yourself yourself a break.

What I find helpful is imagining the worst of every situation and how I would feel if that was to happen? 9/10 it isn’t as bad as you’d imagine and also, if it is, that actually that’s OK because it’ll be another lesson you need to learn from. We need those, trust me.

As one of my very favourite quotes are “If someone says you’ve made a mistake, then perhaps that’s a good thing. Without imperfection, we would not exist” Stephen Hawking.

We are here once.. One chance. Why spend any time wasted feeling the stress of over thinking. Life is beyond you and it will be when you’re no longer here too. So it’s obvious right? Over thinking seats right on top of you with its pal ‘stressed’ so I guess what I’m trying to say is, let’s not hang out with them!

With anything in life, It’s better to have tried than to not try at all, even if the worst case scenario is absolutely terrible because either way, you’ll overthink standing still or you’ll over think walking.. at least with walking you can have a look around at something new!



Emily Dowman-Latham
Emily Dowman-Latham

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